Step 1: Go to Sell Marketplace
Go to the Custom Decorations tab in the Sell Marketplace Kiosk. Click on the 'Submit A Custom Decoration' button to head to the Dashboard.
Step 2: Connect Wallet
Step 3: Upload Decoration & Details
Name your object
Add a description
Upload the image.
Please select whether this item can be walked on, and if you're uploading a sprite sheet for animated objects. Add a collision box to your object if necessary.
- Only high-quality artwork will be approved
- Please keep objects relative to in-game sizes, using a 32x32 grid
Step 4: Submit for Review
Submit, and find your uploaded objects under the 'View My Decorations' link.
Step 5: Mint Approved Decorations
Once your object has been approved, you will be able to mint a minimum of 100 of the object for $PIXEL. You may then trade, sell, or do whatever you'd like with the object in-game.
Step 6: Collect Minted Decorations in Mailbox
Minted objects will appear in your Mailbox.
If you experience any issues or bugs, please submit via this form here: Bug Report Form