All collections require approval from the Pixels team. Any collection that promotes hate or is deemed inappropriate will not be integrated.
48px x 64px is the maximum frame/canvas size. 32px x 32px soft, minimum size
Design the animations with an 18 x 9px collision box
Sprites must be centred on the x-axis
Every trait must have the same number of frames
If the NFT is holding an item, it must be in their right hand, and in a separate layer
The idle state arm should be able to hold a wearable
If a trait is mandatory, we need to know which version should be the default
For non-mandatory traits, there must be a file named blank.png, with the exact same dimensions as all other files
We need to know the specified animation frames for each movement
We need to know the order of each trait from background to foreground
We do not integrate pets, weapons, vehicles or backgrounds
Folder Structure:
Each trait must be in its own folder
The names of all folders and images must be in lower-case and match NFT trait name. Remove any spaces or special characters in the file names
❗The folder structure is VERY important. Please watch the video below.
What we need from you:
Sprite sheets for every attribute with the 5 animations
Frame size (ie. 48 x 64px) – Frame size must be equal for all attributes & animations
Frame designation for each animation (ie. idle = frames 0-4)
Layer order for attributes (1 = bottom layer, n = top layer)
Blank png (none.png) for each attribute folder of non-mandatory traits
1️⃣ 48px x 64px is maximum frame/canvas size. Avatar can be any size smaller than this but consider 32px x 32px as a lower, soft limit
2️⃣ For animated traits, we suggest designing within an 18 x 9px collision box.
1️⃣ Make sure that the sprite is centred along the x-axis within the frame. This is important for movement.
2️⃣ Each trait must have the same number of frames, across the entire collection.
1️⃣ If the NFT holds an item in their hand, it must be in their right hand, and in a separate set of frames.
2️⃣ Trait files need to match NFT trait names and trait categories must match trait folders. All lower case and no special characters or spaces. If an NFT category or trait has these, just remove from folder/file name
3️⃣ The idle state arm must be able to hold a wearable.
We support these 5 animations:
Drink/eat (hand to mouth)
1️⃣ If a trait is mandatory, we need to know which version should be the default. This is so that in the case of unsupported 1/1s, or errors in the metadata, we know which trait to fall back on.
2️⃣ For non-mandatory traits, there must be a file named blank.png. This file must be blank, with the exact same dimensions as all other files.
For example, if the sprites are 48 x 64px, and have 20 frames, the .png files will be 48*20 x 64px. The blank one must also be this size.
3️⃣ We need to know the specified animation frames for each movement.
For example, drink is frames 0 - 7, and walk is frames 8 - 15.
4️⃣ NFT artwork can be complex. We need to know the order of each trait from background to foreground.
For example, the hair trait should be on top of the head trait.
5️⃣ We do not integrate pets or backgrounds. Please ignore these traits.
Folder Structure:
Each trait must be in its own folder:
The names of all folders and images must be in lower-case with no spaces or special characters
💡 The folder structure is VERY important. If it is incorrect, we will not be able to integrate. Please refer to the following video of a perfectly set-up collection:
What we need from you:
Sprite sheets for every attribute with the 5 animations
Frame size (ie. 48 x 64px) – Frame size must be equal for all attributes & animations
Frame designation for each animation (ie. idle = frames 0-4)
Layer order for attributes (1 = bottom layer, n = top layer)
Blank png (none.png) for each attribute folder of non-mandatory traits
Art quality must meet certain standards to be implemented. Please include an animated .gif file prior to your submission.